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This fits a simple taylor polynomial on Stokes \(\mathit{I}\) cube, generating a model \(\mathit{I}\).

Help Menu

The help menu is available using the command:

sc-ifit -h

which results in the output below. However, as the tool is under active development, the help menu may change in the future and should be checked before use using the help command after installation.

usage: sc-ifit [-h] [-mask MASK] [-ex EXCLUDE] [-u] [-deg DEG] [-o ODIR] cube freqs

Fit a simple taylor polynomial on Stokes I cube, generating a model I

positional arguments:
  cube                  Name of the input I cube to be modelled
  freqs                 Text file containing respective frequencies. The freqs should be in Hz

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -mask MASK, --mask-name MASK
                        Region within which to perform fits. This is a FITS MASK
  -ex EXCLUDE, --exclude-channels EXCLUDE
                        Channels that should be excluded while fitting the image cube. This should be a text file containing those channel numbers. Data corresponding to the specified channels will
                        be set to zero.
  -u, --unstack         Unstack the output model cube as single channelised images. If -ex was specified those channels will also be excluded.
  -deg DEG, --degree DEG
                        Degree of the taylor polynimial to be fitted.
  -o ODIR, --output-dir ODIR
                        Directory where to dump the output files.