This tool creates a simple FITS mask given an input image and thresholds containing the values that should not be masked out. Sc-houdini
also accepts region files specifying a region which its efforts should be concentrated within (see DS9 region files).
Sc-houdini outputs:
- A FITS image mask
- A corresponding
file showing how the mask appears for quick mask inspection (this is sometimes buggy and is being investigated).
With a typical run using showrunner, the output is stored in the masks
directory and will appear like:
├── masks # Location of the generated FITS masks
| ├── *.fits
| ├── *.png
Help Menu
The help menu is available using the command:
sc-houdini -h
which results in the output below. However, as the tool is under active development, the help menu may change in the future and should be checked before use using the help command after installation.
usage: sc-houdini [-h] [-o [...]] [-above] [-below] [-rb [...]] [-er] iname
positional arguments:
iname Input image from which to generate mask
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o [ ...], --outname [ ...]
Where to dump the output(s). We can iterate over multiple reg files. See '-rb'
-above , --above Include everything above this value. ie. > above. Aka the lower limit
-below , --below Include everything below this value. i.e < below. Aka the upper limit
-rb [ ...], --region-bound [ ...]
DS9 region file(s) within which to make our mask
-er , --exclude-region
DS9 region file(s) containing the regions that should be excluded