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This tool takes in the per-LoS pickle files generated by sc-los-rm as its inputs and generates each of their corresponding interactive plots. Hence, before using this tool, one first must run the following tools in order:

  1. sc-los
  2. sc-los-rm

Interactivity is achieved using the Bokeh Python visualisation library which is an automatic dependency of Scrappy. The plots to be generated by default currently are specified in the bk_plots.yml file, which is automatically availed when scrappy is initialised (see Getting started).


Because sc-bokehplot is run in conjunction with sc-los and sc-los-rm, its outputs are stored the output directory containing the sc-los outputs, whose default output directory name is scrap-outputs. The yielded files are not regular *.(png|jpg|svg) files, rather they are *.html files which are viewed using a web-browser, and not a normal image viewer. As such, they offer the interactivity availed by a normal web-page.

For example with a typical run using showrunner, the output appears like:

├── scrap-outputs              # Outputs from Los data generator
│   ├── bokeh-plots            # Interactive plots generated by sc-bokeh-plots from sc-los-rm
|       ├── reg_1.html
|       ├── reg_2.html
|       ├── ...
|       ├── reg_n.html
│   ├── los-data              
│   ├── los-rm-data           
│   ├── los-rm-data-plots     

Help Menu

The help menu is accessible using

sc-bokehplot -h

which gives the following output


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -id I_DIRS [I_DIRS ...]
                        Input directories where the LoS data is contained
  --yaml YAMLS [YAMLS ...]
                        Yaml file containing the plots to be plotted.
  -od ODIR, --output-dir ODIR
                        Where to dump outputs